St. Anthony's Episcopal Church
174 St. Anthony Drive
Winder, GA 30680
(770) 867-5633

Live Stream will be found

March 5 - Ash Wednesday
Service 7:00 pm

February 23 - Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
9:00 am - Adult Education
10 am - Holy Eucharist

March 2 - Last Sunday after Epiphany
9:00 am - Adult Education
10 am - Holy Eucharist

March 9 - First Sunday of Lent
9:00 am - Adult Education
10 am - Holy Eucharist

March 4 - Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper 5:30- 7:30 pm

Stations of the Cross

Each Friday in Lent outside
at Noon
Weather Permitting